It's one of the details mentioned in Decision 4377/QD-BNN-TY of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Department issued monitoring the planned production chain of processed chicken exports.
Specifically, Phase 1 (in 2016-2018), Vietnam can export oriented processed chicken meat to Japan. In 2017 the agricultural sector is aiming to export processed chicken meat from at least one business to the Japanese market.
Phase 2 (after 2018), Vietnam can export processed chicken of some business to other potential markets such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar, South Korea.

Also in this phase Vietnam enterprises will proceed to complete documents for processed poultry exports and send to competent authorities of the countries wishing to import poultry products from Vietnam .
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Department (MARD) stated that: Businesses wish to export processed chicken meat should send a written request to the Department of Animal Health (MARD) and the local Animal Health Department; actively explore, capture the market, and look for trading partners; seek cooperation, investment, production facilities for animal feed, chicken production, broiler production, slaughtering, and processing chicken to meet the requirements of importing countries, etc.