After two consecutive months of rooms KCS won first prize 5S materials, summarizing the activities in November, Internal Control Room became department head with the result reached 96.6% 5S implementation.
Second Prize and Third Prize respectively belong Accounting Chamber of Veterinary medicine (96.12%) and KCS materials (95.91%). Sales accounting room, laboratory and veterinary drug business Chamber Council received a consolation prize.
Share about winning first prize, Nguyen Dieu Linh, Internal Control and Risk, said the office staff, Internal Control and Risk prevention has not yet overcome the points gained from the implementation of 5S June 10. At the same time, implemented and maintained in accordance with the requirements of 5S standards put forth in the new month.
"Also, an important reason also contributed to this victory of Internal Control and Risk prevention, which is head always was a pioneer, implementing 5S activities, making room staff are voluntarily comply" Linh share more.

5 departmental awards for the Best 5S implementation in November
Reportedly, during the summation operation in November 5S, 5S Committee also launched a photo competition entitled "Hong Ha doing 5S". The competition aims to gather photos taken by employees themselves Honghe, to jot down those beautiful moments in the process of implementing 5S in the departments. All the photos will be exhibited at the factory, and was voted the award during a ceremony to launch the "Big cleaning day" on the upcoming 24/12.