Up to now, for almost 3 months of operation after launching, 5S (seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke) has become an enthusiastic emulation movement between departments / sections in the factory.
In the afternoon of November 3rd, 2016, the Hong Ha Nutrition Corporation has conducted the review of 5S practice and the Award ceremony for October. Attending the ceremony were Mr. Bui Anh Duc - Vice Director cum Business Director; Pham Thanh Thu - Director of Purchasing and Quality Control; Mr. Ta Van Toai - Head of Internal Audit, chiefs of 5S and representatives of units.
Up to now, for almost 3 months of operation after launching, 5S (seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke) has become an enthusiastic emulation movement between departments / sections in the factory. At the same time, it helps forming and maintaining a routine Schedule, regular Screening, Sorting, Sanitation, and Safety.
For October evaluation, the Raw Material Control Division maintains the best 5S practices while continuing to lead the evaluation, and awarded with the first prize. The second and third prizes respectively belong Veterinary Medicine Trade Division and Sales Accounting Division. Three consolation prizes were given to the Mechanical Store, the Feed Business Division and the Internal Audit Division.
Besides the awards for the Best 5S accomplishment handed over to the divisions, the award ceremony in October is extended to 3 subordinate prizes including 2 awards for impressive images and 1 award for an outstanding evaluator.
The Award for impressive images is dedicated to photos showing the positive changes of divisions or locations/areas before and after the implementation of 5S. These images belong to the Finished Product Warehouse Office and the Maintenance Division.
Meanwhile, the Award for outstanding evaluator of 5S Excellence is dedicated to Mr. Nguyen Van Lam - Maintenance Division. Excellent rating performed by the evaluator, in addition to scoring, should result in proposals, amendments and improvements to the areas to be assessed, in order to achieve the better results.

Mr. Pham Thanh Thu - Director of Purchasing and Quality Control Division handing over the Award for impressive images.
At the award ceremony, Mr. Tran Tien Dung, the Team Leader of the Raw Material Control Division also shared the know-how in their 2 consecutive months of the Best 5S. According to Mr. Dung, his division has many advantages in implementing 5S, such as small sized room, fewer tools, and abundant manpower. However, many disadvantages are also identified, such as large traffic of people going in and out, odor and dust from the raw materials, all of which are tough for the general cleanliness.
"If you came to visit the Raw Material Control Division 2 months ago, you would see the unrational arrangement and layout of the hall. To practice 5S, we worked out a schedule for cleaning assigned to specific individuals. This scheduled roster is posted at the office for convenience. In the first week of implementation, the section chief still had to keep frequent supervision, with reminders. However, by week 2, the people had become accustomed to scheduled practice. To date, more than 2 months after implementation, 5S has been put into place". Mr. Dung said excitedly.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Trang, the Sales Accounting Division also shared: "Formerly, when a new 5S movement was newly launched, much of the practice had been performed forcifully, not derived from self-consciousness. However, after the implementation, every day upon arrival at the company, we see the neatness and cleanliness, we are more motivated to work. 5S practice has become a habit, the obligation of everyone".