Best Tips For Raising Ducks

Best Tips For Raising Ducks

Raising ducks is different than raising chickens, although you can be successful raising ducks and chickens together. Some modifications need to be addressed when raising ducks, and they add a new dimension to your barnyard.

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No Transmission of Hepatitis E Virus in Pigs Fed Diets Containing Commercial Spray-Dried Porcine Plasma

No Transmission of Hepatitis E Virus in Pigs Fed Diets Containing Commercial Spray-Dried Porcine Plasma

How would you feel if one day – seemingly out of the blue – someone took away your favorite beverage and replaced it with something they said was good for you? Would you scream frustration? Would you refuse to do anything? Would you sulk? If you said, “yes”, you agree with most weaning piglets: Change can be hard, writes Dari Brown, Purina.

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Proper Trace Mineral Nutrition Can Increase Longevity in Sow Herds

Proper Trace Mineral Nutrition Can Increase Longevity in Sow Herds

Foot lesions can bleed away profits on swine operations, but many foot problems can be prevented by proper trace mineral nutrition in sow diets. Copper, zinc and manganese are the three trace minerals most demanded by sows. Feeding the right amounts of these minerals is essential to the longevity and reproductive success of sows.

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Preventing Disease Spread in Backyard Flocks

Preventing Disease Spread in Backyard Flocks

Backyard flocks are generally healthy, like the people who keep them. Just like their keepers, though, illness can strike. You can minimise the damage by protecting your flock from disease and limiting it if and when one of your chickens shows up sick, writes Christine Heinrichs.

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Vaccination to Control Coccidiosis in Cage and Floor-Reared Layer Pullets

Vaccination to Control Coccidiosis in Cage and Floor-Reared Layer Pullets

Coccidiosis vaccination for layer pullets has become more common, whether the birds are raised in cages, aviary systems or on the floor. Vaccination has been a successful method of coccidiosis control in broiler breeder replacements for decades, but layer pullets present different challenges.

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Improving Performance of Broilers Fed Lower Digestible Protein Diets

Improving Performance of Broilers Fed Lower Digestible Protein Diets

The search for alternative protein sources in feedstuffs, is a field of research that is gaining considerable attention. For example, soy bean meal (SBM) and fish meal are easily digestible and have traditionally been the main sources of proteins in poultry diets.

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